Communicate in English Simply
Naturally with Confidence

Every day I show French professionals who work in English how to express themselves clearly, effectively and confidently – maximizing their international potential and achieving their goals.

Boost your international potential too! 

Gifts for YOU!

If speaking English in public is uncomfortable

If you want to sound more natural

If you want to understand better and more

Listen, listen, listen and grow in confidence…

A Journey to Fluency

Starting point


Choose where you want to improve and/or expand your knowledge


Learn, play quizzes, educate your ears… get the Anglophone Gazette

Discovery Call

Book a call and get answers


Avant de rencontrer Catherine, je n’étais pas capable d’échanger simplement avec quelqu’un en anglais, par manque de confiance. Grâce à elle, je suis maintenant capable de faire une présentation devant des dizaines de personnes et suis désormais très à l’aise. Ce qui a fait la difference? C’est Catherine! Sa personnalité et sa façon d’enseigner. Elle est à la fois une professeur et un coach. Elle a su me mettre à l’aise, me valoriser et m’accompagner, bref me donner confiance en moi. Aucun site, aucun livre ne pourrait m’apporter ce que Catherine a fait. Je la recommande sans reserve, elle enseigne en s’adaptant complètement à la personne. Thanks to her I was able to do my job!


I have learned a lot with Catherine! I am more confident in conversation in English. I have learned many new lively expressions used in everyday life. Catherine also knows how to adapt her lessons to my interests and we could talk about books, arts and films. She has a great deal of knowledge in various fields. She helped me most to dare to talk with assurance. Catherine is uncompromising with grammar and this is a very good point for me, it has allowed me to correct my bad habits and make further progress.


Her coaching gave me the ability to start speaking English and becoming more comfortable, even if my syntax is still not perfect. I got a better understanding of how to think English and how words spoken by a Frenchman are perceived and understood by an Englishman. Catherine is not just an English teacher. She will coach you on how to get a better understanding of the Anglo-Saxon culture and how to communicate both orally and in writing, using the right words. And, in particular for me, avoiding lengthy sentences. In brief, getting straight to the point! If you want to learn to be more effective in your communication, I definitively recommend her.


Catherine was my coach in English for more than 3 years. My speaking skills were my main area of improvement as my job required to run meetings and give presentations in English. And thanks to her I made great progress! In particular she taught me how to structure my thinking in English to convey impactful messages. We also worked a lot on pronunciation, which is key if you want to be understood. Sometimes it was difficult as Catherine is a demanding coach, but it’s really worth it!  So if you are motivated to significantly improve your English, I definitively recommend Catherine’s coaching.


J’ai fait appel à Catherine pour un travail de traduction de notre nouvelle plateforme de marque.  Les textes et notions à traduire étaient subtiles.  J’ai fortement apprécié le travail qui a été rendu et le fait d’avoir, pour les phrases les plus complexes à traduire, plusieurs alternatives argumentées.  Mon équipe et moi avons également apprécié l’implication de Catherine dans notre projet.
